Build-Up® style of book makes reading more fun!

Make story time more fun with a Build-Up® style of book! That is why I wrote the children’s book Let’s Make a Garden in the Build-Up® book style. Build-Up® books have die-cut pages that layer to build a story. Most children have never seen a book made in this style. Whenever I read this book to kids, they listen intently to the story with their eyes glued to each page. I feel their excitement to hear about and see what new plants and animals will be added to the garden. Kids reach to turn the pages themselves to actively add those elements to the scene. They engage with the story more, because they can build the garden with each turn of the page


My favorite book when I was a child was made in a similar style where each new page layered on those before it to build the scene — in this case a store. I read that book over and over again! Parents and teachers tell me that their kids flip through my book many times and go back to it again and again because it is so unique and fun. Interactive books, like Build-Up® books, encourage children to flip the pages. These opportunities engage the mind, the body, and the senses, setting the stage for meaningful learning opportunities. 

A fun way to help kids love books and reading is by sharing my children’s book Let’s Make a Garden by Hillary Vari. It is a new kind of pop-up board book made in the revolutionary style of a Build-Up® book. Check out the video below!

About the author

Hillary Vari is the author of Let’s Make a Garden: a Build-Up® Book. Her goal is to educate children about the importance of gardens for our global environment and to make reading more fun using the Build-Up® book style (i.e., die-cut pages that layer to build a story).
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